Talent Acquisition

Be yourselves Be exceptional

Focus on active than passive job seekers wherein the former is passionate about their work, engages in improving their skills and interested in moving because they are ambitious and not because of higher pay. 


It’s more important to prevent candidates who don’t fit than to jam more candidates into the recruiting funnel which is exactly what our pre-employment screening services accomplish. Our outplacement services help the candidate recognise and articulate transferable roles and skills. As a cheerleader, we provide them the confidence to make the change according to what is important to them.

Featured Insights


Gen Z expectations from employer – diversity and flexibility counts:

According to The State of Gen Z® 2021-2022 Report by The Center for Generational Kinetics, starting salary range and scheduling flexibility became significantly more important to Gen Z in 2021 compared to 2020 and of which salary is front of mind than before.  Gen Z is also significantly more likely than Millennials to apply to a company that supports diversity, equity, and inclusion. 65% of Gen Z who worked remotely in 2021 felt more connected to their co-workers while 62% reported being more productive.


Benefits of job listings that highlights civic responsibilities:

A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, on supply side implications of CSR revealed that, firms that advertises work as socially-oriented increases application rates by 25% and attracts employees who are more productive and produce higher quality work.